Welcome to Nationwide School Uniforms. The official school uniform supplier to Bardney C of E and Methodist Primary School.
Here you will find all of the approved uniform items, both badged and plain that we offer.
Before selecting any items, please make sure you have familiarised yourself with the school's uniform policy. A copy of which can be found by clicking on the link located above the school logo on this page.
Delivery options will be shown within the checkout process.
Thank you for using Nationwide School Uniforms.
Bardney C of E and Methodist Primary School
Uniform Policy
Navy sweatshirt.
White polo shirt or short or long sleeve shirt.
Black or grey trousers.
Black, grey or white socks.
Black sensible shoes.
Summer Option:
Black or grey shorts.
Navy sweatshirt or cardigan.
White polo shirt or short or long sleeve blouse.
Black or grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress.
Black, grey or white socks or tights.
Black sensible shoes.
Summer Option:
Blue & white checked gingham dress.
PE Kit:
House t-shirt.
Black shorts.
Tracksuit or sweatshirt & jogging bottoms.
Plimsolls and/or trainers.
Additional Options:
Navy book bag.
Navy PE bag.
Please ensure that all uniform items are clearly labelled with your child's name.